Sunday, February 16, 2014


It was February 10, 2014. I left the office during my normal schedule. It was not too early nor too late. Everything was relaxed. I did not hurry going to the train station. The weather was quite good. It was cloudy but at least it was not raining.

When I arrived at my flat which is located on the 31st floor of a high-rise building, I was inspired by the clear sky that I don't normally see whenever I arrive at home. Spring is really approaching. The day light starts to become longer as the sky is still clear at around 5:30PM. I looked at the bright sky from my glass window and glanced at the port where the sun usually sets. It was a very nice day!

I went to the bathroom to unfix myself and prepare dinner. I looked at the mirror, rolled my long hair up and was about to reach onto my clam to clip my hair up. When I looked at myself, I look differently today! There is something in me that looks so glowing and blooming.

It is very seldom that I appreciate myself and I have to capture this moment! I dropped my hair down, put back my clam clip, fixed my hair, went out of the bathroom and grabbed my mobile phone. I again saw the clear sky through my glass window and thought that this should be a perfect background! And yes, I did an selfie photo! Five attempts and this one was the best!

This is not a photo of a beauty queen,a fashion model nor a celebrity. I cannot conceal the age. Wrinkles start to build. Blemishes starts to multiply due to the hormonal imbalance aggravated by the time zone change. The cheeks start to volumize and the face becomes more round. The hair starts to dry up due to the daily hot water shower. The skin starts to sag and provoke dryness due to the cold weather. Despite all the physical changes, I see the beauty in me---the beauty that lies from within.

Life is not easy, especially living alone in a very strange country. Work here is not easy as well. Lots of pressure come, not only time pressure but management pressure as well. However, a positive outlook in life is the key. Everything must be taken in a confident manner. Never seriously take something that will let you down. However, take them as a challenge which will help bring you to a higher level, i.e. having more experience and learning more. Take time to relax, breath in, breath out. Think of happy moments. Learn to appreciate people. Accept compliments openly but give compliments to others as well. Learn to love and to be loved. Make people happy. Let go of negative vibes. Whenever you feel upset, think of things to help you understand that those negative things happen for a good reason. All your sacrifices will be paid off soon. Sacrifice now, enjoy later! Always be optimistic. Lastly, SMILE! Smile is the only curve that sets everything straight (according to Phyllis Diller). Smile is the best therapy and the best catalyst of beauty!

20:59-21:48 hrs

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Saying NO

She hardly says no. She was brought up in a way that she should not hurt other people. Rather this is her personal choice not to turn down people and not to make people disappointed but make everyone pleased. Having this attitude, she never turns people down abruptly. She’d rather do it in a subtle, less upsetting way.

When she was in her first year in college, there came her very first serious suitor, which unfortunately was not favorable for her. Childlike at heart, she never knew how to handle this. Once, the suitor told her that he will pick her up after her last class. She didn’t what to do. She was actually in panic. What she did was to literally hide from the suitor. Right after History class, good thing that the professor released the class 10 minutes before the official dismissal, she grabbed her friend immediately and asked her to bring her wherever she wants as long as they don't stay in that building. Willing to play along, the friend pulled her out the building and went to the Ladies’ Dormitory where the friend stays. They didn’t ride the jeepney but they walked a long way around the campus, which is not the normal way of going from the History class building to the dormitory. It was a long and tiring way but it is the only way to hide and get rid of the objectionable suitor. The suitor never showed up again, nor he did become persistent again. For her, at that young age, it was the most pleasant way to turn a person down.

For years, she had many funny experiences similar to those… not only about suitors but also about practical situations in life when she hardly says no. This is only one of the anecdotes that she cherishes---stories that happened in her life that she would love to share to people.

Two decades have passed. She has gone through ups and downs of life. She has matured and learned how to handle more serious decisions in life. Can she now say no? Does she say it in a subtle way or in an impolite way?

Once in her life she lived in a faraway place, living all alone. She does all stuff by herself. She was very independent, not even having a clique of people to go out with. She enjoyed her solitude. She wanted to do everything alone. She rather wanted to be alone rather than talk with people whom she sometimes feels would just be a waste of time to get to know them. The introvert in her ruled and she got pleasure from it.

Her activities were so routine---work on Mondays to Fridays, communication through web with her family during the weekends, church visit and supermarket errands on either Saturdays and Sundays. For months, it was the same thing over and over, not unless of course if she needed to travel or do some other special stuff during the weekends.

One sunny Sunday, she visited the church and planned to buy some stuff in the supermarket afterwards. Enjoying her time alone, she decided to walk around the shopping center first before going to the supermarket. She enjoyed the cool breeze that gently blew onto her face and hair. She enjoyed looking at the items in shops which might be interesting for her. As she had her long enough walk to almost the farthest part of the alley, she turned back so she could see the stuff on the other side of the pathway. Suddenly, someone spoke from her back. Not understanding much about the local language, she ignored the voice. Then the voice spoke again, this time the voice came from almost beside her. Aware that she was in another country without knowing a non-English-speaking person in that area, she again tried not to pay attention to the voice. She kept on walking when a man overtook her walking, stopped in front of her, smiled, looked into her face and said “Hi! You speak English? Can I talk to you?”

She saw the man. He was about 5’7” in height, fair skinned, slightly wavy hair but clean cut. For her, the features are quite similar to fair-skinned Asians, the place where she came from---a Singaporean or Malaysian, she thought. He was wearing a royal blue jacket and typical blue street jeans. Now that he speaks English and that the man already confronted her, she had no choice but to respond. She then answered, “Ok, yes. What can I do for you?” but she never looked into his eyes. She still had hesitations on trusting this man.

“You know, I saw you before in the library. You know the library?” he said.

Knowing that she had never ever been inside, not even near, a library in that faraway place, she thought that this man had just made a mistake. She had a weird thinking if somebody might just looked like her despite the fact that her features is not common in this area. Asians have definitely different features than Europeans, thus there is a very low probability coincidence that she might look like somebody else.

“Huh? I have never been to the library before. Maybe it was not me,” she replied. Then she kept on walking and the man walked with her.

“No, it was you! I saw you in the library and it was after church that I saw you,” he insisted.

“Church”---it rang a bell for her. She usually visits the Church on Sundays, not to hear mass but just to pray. Hearing mass is useless because the service is in the local language which she doesn’t understand. If this man is talking about church, he might have seen her in the church which could mean that this man can somehow be trusted. Still, there are uncertainties playing around her mind.

“Oh really?” was her short reply. Those were the only words that came out of her mouth as her mind was busy thinking how this man knew her.

“Yes, yes! So where did you come from?” that was his seemingly excited response. They were walking down the corridor then. She actually did not clearly understand all the words that he was saying. He seemed to murmur when he talks and he pronounced some words differently.

“I come from the Philippines, and you?” she said. Somewhere in the conversation he asked her name and she told it. He shook hands with her as he introduced himself but she never remembered his name. She is poor with names, by the way.

“I come from Turkey. I am a student.” He said as they continued walking towards the supermarket where she planned to go and buy some stuff. “You know what, I saw you in the library before,” he repeated. “I wanted to talk to you but I never had a chance.”

“Really? When was that?” she replied, still getting confused how come he saw her in the library.

“About 2 or 3 –ears ago,” he replied murmuring words that she did not understand clearly. He seemed not so good in speaking English.

“Two or three years ago?! But I am just new here,” she exclaimed as she is definitely sure that she has only been in that faraway place for 2 months.

“No, no! Two or 3 weeks ago,” He replied while they were walking.

“Oh really? I have not been in that library before. Maybe it is not me,” she told him, still insisting that she had not met him before.

“No, it was you. I am sure. Do you know where the library is? Come, I will show you,” he said. Still hesitant about the library thing, getting a hunch that she might be in trouble but at the same time still trying to have a gut feel if this man can be trusted or not, she kept on walking with the man and asked, “What will you do in the library? I will go to the supermarket.”

“I need to get some books. I am a student. If you could come with me and I will show you where the library is,” he muttered.

Not knowing what to say, and realizing that she is not talking to a stranger which she never ever did in this faraway place, she just agreed.

As they walked the man said, “You know what, you are a very gorgeous lady and I really, really like you!”

At this point, she got a good hint. She thought she in trouble and she‘s trying to find ways how escape from the situation. Should she be rude just to get rid of this man? Should she say it in a nice way? She hardly says no and she does not want to hurt people’s feelings. At the same time, she is with a stranger in a strange place. What if she acts rude and the man acts back impolitely? All these question juggle into her mind. She responded nothing but a poker face without looking at him.

Trying to find ways to get rid of him, she was about to have a chance when the man suddenly was about to turn left but she wanted to go straight to the supermarket so they both discontinued walking. “The library is this way,” he said.

“But I need to go to the supermarket. I need to go home in a while so I can talk with my family,” she replied as she try to make excuses trying subtle ways on how to get rid of the man.

Quite disappointed, “What time to you need to be home, if you don’t mind?” he uttered. She looked at her watch. It’s 2:30 PM. She was thinking hard how to escape. She tried to estimate the time she will spend in the supermarket. “About 3:30 maybe,” she replied.

She saw him making plans on his mind. “What if we go to the supermarket then we go to the library afterwards? Or I will go to the library and then I will see you in the supermarket. Or let’s go to the library first then we go to the supermarket. We still have 1 hour,” he said.

Thinking about the options but is still panicking, she just said ‘ok’ and he interpreted it as the last option was chosen. “Great! Here, this way!” he said as he led her to the left, going to the library he was talking about.

Thinking of plans to escape, she just followed. While walking continuously, “So do you live alone?” he asked.

“Yes,” she replied without elaborating anything and to make conversations short.

“I also live alone,” he muttered. In her mind, she was thinking “Who cares if you live alone? I need to get rid of you.”

“So are you enjoying Holland?” he asked curiously.

Trying to be impolite this time, she said “No!” She was really not that kind of person to be rude but her safety is at stake this time.

“Why?”he asked.

Frankly, she said, ”Because I have my family left in my country. I don't want to stay here without them.”

“So you are married?” he said with a hint of frustration.

“YES!” she proudly answered, trying to emphasize on the words she said.

“And you have kids?” he continuously asked.

“Yes, I have two,” she arrogantly replied, thinking what the difference would be if she had children or not.

This time, he paused for a while but continuously asked. “You know, I really, really like you the first time I saw you. So what do you think about me?”

She started to get pissed off. She was thinking if this man is so aloof, if is he crazy or is it just a part in cultural differences. She felt she was being courted by a man whom she met just a few minutes ago and that now, he is immediately asking for an answer after a few minutes of meeting and a few minutes of courting.

Trying to end the conversation soon, she replied “What I think about you? Nothing!” as she really does not think of anything good for him at all. Instead of saying bad things about him, she believed that saying nothing at all about him would be better.

There was a long pause. As they continued walking, he asked again, “Do you want a drink? --- coffee or tea?”

“No,” she replied instantaneously.

“Why?” he asked, trying to make the conversation longer.

“I am still full,” she replied. She was really not craving for any drink at all but she was also very cautious at the same time. 

Walking continuously, they are about to cross the main road as they had walked farther enough. She already was planning something on her mind. She knew she was in trouble with this pertinacious stranger. She was actually trying to recall where the police station was as the area where they were heading to is near the municipal hall where the police station is nearly located. She tried to look around checking at people and making sure that there are lots of people around who can help her just in case this man does something unfavorable to her. At least, she can easily be heard when she shouts.

When they were on the other side of the road, he immediately crossed to the other side perpendicular to the first road they crossed. She did not cross at once for 2 reasons. First, there was a car coming and she was thankful that the car gave her a chance to stop walking. Second is that he really wanted to walk slow to somehow get rid of the man. However, when the man looked back and saw her left of the other side of the road, he stopped walking and waited for her to cross the road.

When she reached the other side of the road, the series of questions came again as they continued walking. “Are you free tomorrow?” he again started asking.

She replied a straight, “No.” She was very impolite this time.

“Why?” He persistently asked.

“I have work,” she replied. The truth is she will have a business travel the following day but she didn’t want to elaborate about it.

“Until 5?” he continuously asked.

“Yes.” She replied, just to cut off the conversation.

“So, can I give you a ring instead?” he again asked.

She was so startled about the series of questions the man gives her. In her mind, she was asking herself when will these questions end. Instantly, “No,” was her frank answer.

Persistently he asked, “Why?”

“I am busy,” she said trying to cut the conversation.

Then he uttered an affirmation, “Oh, so you are always busy!” but this time, she tried to shift the topic.

She just realized that they have walked a a long way, far from where they came from. “Is it still far?” she asked.

“Not too far but we’re almost there,” was his reply as he pointed his finger somewhere straight ahead.

This time, she got a good excuse. “I think it is still far. I need to go!” she insisted.

He stopped walking. With a disappointed face, he uttered “Oh, you need to go? Ok then. Nice meeting you,” as he tried to reach out his hand for a shake.

She extended hers as a sign of courteousy, well in fact she was already pissed off.

“Nice meeting you as well,” she said as she turned her back afterwards.

Very conscious about it, she tried to look back from time to time if the man tried to follow her as she returns to area where they came met. She has a feeling that the man was following her but good thing he wasn’t. She didn't change her route. She went back to the place where they came from. She did not go straight home as the man might follow her. She went back to the area on the way to the supermarket where she told that man that she was about to go. When she was sure that the man was not following her, she did not proceed to the supermarket as the man might come back and look for her there. She went inside the shops first, walked around, tried to do window shopping just to kill her time and escape from the stranger. She did buy her stuff in another shop instead of going to the big supermarket. These things she did just to be sure that she was safe.

On the way home, she was paranoid. She walked very slowly as she tried to looked every person surrounding her. On the way towards the building, she was very cautious if somebody is staring at her. She always tried to look back---literally look from behind her. Even after entering the double-security door in her apartment lobby, she tried to look out if somebody is looking or spying at her. She pressed the elevator ‘UP’ button. The door elevator opened and she went inside with her back first, still trying to look outside the glass door. She never let her eyes look other ways except outside through the glass door, until the elevator finally closed and lifted her up the 31st floor. When the elevator stopped and the door opened, she was even thinking that the man may be standing right beside her apartment door. Paranoid, she was and it was a very creepy feeling for her.

The good thing is that, she was safely home. Trying to be rude can sometimes bring her to the right path. Learning from this experience, she now manages that saying “NO” will never be an issue as long as it is being used at the right place and at the right time!


Friday, November 5, 2010

I Will Survive

Trafc blog
Nov 5 2010
Partially written while I am stuck in the traffic jam, Blog finished at home.

It was in November 1, 2008 when I had accident in our staircase. We were preparing ourselves to go home to LB to celebrate Tatay's life on All Saints Day. I was fixing our luggage on the 3rd step of the stairs then I unconsciously missed the second and first step on the way down. I stumbled on the floor and felt something cold inside my body. The coldness travelled from my foot towards my brain. Suddenly my surrounding started to dim out and I started to feel a cold sweat. I opted not to stand up because I had a feeling that I will black out. I just nested on the floor where I fell. After recovering my energy, I stood up and walked towards the sofa, feeling the pain on my right foot. It was only then when I realized that my right ankle was swollen.

To make the long story short, I started Nov 1 with a visit to the ER and spent the whole day at the cemetery with bandage on my right foot and with me being mobile with my left foot only through short, slow hops. I never bothered to use crunches as I feel I am so disabled. It took more than a week before I could walk straight. But the pain was felt for months.

More than two years after, on November 4 , 2010 am, a similar incident happened. I woke up early as I needed to be in the office before 8am. I had a scheduled training then. Routinely, I rose from bed after a few snoozes in my mobile phone, wore my house slippers, grabbed my undies and towel and went out of the bedroom to take a bath downstairs. As I held my things with my left arm and hold on to the rails with my right hand, I had my first step down the stairs. With a snap of a finger, ka-blam! I accidentally slipped off the stair steps. As a reflex reaction, my right hand grabbed the rail tighter as I was about to fall down but my foot kept on slipping on the 2nd step... 3rd step...4th step... 5th step...Until my foot reached the base step. I slipped off the stairs with my left thigh and being supported by my left elbow and arm. I didnt know how to react but I remembered myself saying, "Anu ba yan! Nadulas na naman ako! "

Thinking that nothing serious happened, I stood up, went straight to the comfort room and continued with my routine. I started with a pee. (Sorry for the slang word). As I sat down on the toilet bowl, I started to feel something wrong. I was starting to feel dizzy. I bowed my head to make me feel more comfortable. However I felt something cold travelling inside my body. I felt that I am starting a cold sweat. I decided not to continue my daily morning routine as if I continued to take a bath, I may blackout inside the toilet.
I then decide to go back to bed instead, take a short rest before I continue taking a bath. Successfuly, I was able to bring myself up to the bedroom turn on the electric fan, aimed it where I will nest and laid down on our bed, beside sleeping Kaira and Keziah. I managed to send am SMS to my husband who was at work to tell him what happened. I tried to recover myself in 10 minutes then I rose again, went down the stairs, this time with bare foot, headed to the comfort room and took a bath. This time I felt pain all over my body but tried ignoring it. I dressed up, ate breakfast and proceeded to the office.
I noticed that there were bruises and scratches on my arms. Later on, when I went for a bladder break in the afternoon, I noticed a very large bruise on my left thigh---nearly oval shaped about 5 x 3 inches in area. The blood has clot this time. Still, I ignored it, proceeded to my workshop, stayed late in the office and went home on my normal schedule, as if nothing happened and as if I was feeling no pain at all.
When I came home, I showed my bruises and scratches to Kaira and Keziah. They were so worried about me. They were actually forcing me to go to the hospital but I told them that I am fine. It was only then that I realized that I also felt pain on my right elbow, right arm and even on the right side of my neck. Probably it was caused by the tension when I tried to hold on to the rails to stop me from falling down. One thing for sure, I did not hit my head. Thank you Lord!
After dinner, even with pain all over my body, I decided to clean up the service area of our home. I swept off the water on the floor and cleaned up the trash. As I tried to pick up the garbage in the trashcan, blood suddenly came out of my right thumb. Unaware, there was a broken glass in the trash can that caused the 2mm wound on my thumb. I washed my hands and rushed upstairs to do first aid then I continued to finish my task in the service area.
Finally, I was about to take a rest. I cleaned myself up and went to bed with Kaira and Keziah. I had pain all over but I managed to reflect on the things that happened that day. With so much body pain, I pitied myself but I do not know who to blame. I just prayed with my kids and thanked God for another day.
Life has many trials. I have been through lots of trials --- emotional and physical. I learned to ignore the pain. I learned to hide it. I believe this is part of maturity and this makes me a stronger person. Though full of trials, life must go on....
Lord, thank you for giving me trials that I know I can handle. Whenever I can't, I know I can hold on to you. Thanks you for the blessing me every single day...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Tribute for Toby

I first met Tobias "Toby" Propalde, Jr. on November 6, 2007. My gradeschool-highschool friends had an impromptu adventure to Pagsanjan Falls then. Planned on All Saint's Day through SMS while I was in the cemetery, my friends and I met at Bay Church on November 6 morning. Unknowingly, one of my highschool friends, Nonoy, brought along with him 2 other friends he introduced as 'Marlow' and 'Toby'. Mar was Noy's ex-officemate at Smart Communication while Toby was Noy's housemate. Riding 2 cars in convoy, 7 of us (Vince, Chill, Noy, Toby, Mar, my husband Lem and I) headed to Cavinti, Laguna to start our journey.

I am the type who doesn't talk too much especially with new acquaintances. But with Toby, he was so kind, courteous and friendly that he usually start the conversation with his new friends. Toby calls me 'Ate Rons.' Admittedly, I am older than him by 6 years and it is really right for him to call me 'Ate.' With his 'Bisaya' intonation and childlike acts, he seem so humble, 'malambing' and open to admit to new acquaintances that he is afraid of heights. He seem to be out 'bunsoy' in the group. That was the time when we were queueing as we do the 'practice' for rapelling down to Pagsanjan Falls. He said it was his first time but he succesfully surpassed this trial.

The activity was full of fun and photos and all cherished that moment. Toby and I had a few exchange of SMS, as few chats in yahoo whenever we happen to catch each other online but never met again until 2 years after.

On July 2009, Chill and I planned another adventure to Caramoan Islands in Camarines Sur. We booked a flight for those who confirmed---again, the 6 of us: Chill, Vince, Noy, Mar, Lem and I. Another friend, Hazel, also planned to join until she cancelled the booking in October due to conflict in schedule. By that time, Toby also informed us that he wanted to join the trip. I was the one who personally booked his flight, using my credit card and voluntarily communicated with him the details through mobile phone because I wanted him to join that trip. I want him to experience what we will experience in Caramoan Islands.

After all the planning, November 20, 2009 came. Chill, Vince, Noy, Mar, Toby, Lem and I met at NAIA at 5am for our flight to Legaspi City. The trip was a very memorable and enjoyable one. With the refreshing sceneries and good friends with you, you will really appreciate the beauty of the place. We spent 3 days exploring Caramoan Islands and Legaspi until we travelled back to Manila on 22nd of November 2009 and parted ways from NAIA airport.

Again, I had a few, seldom chats and SMS's with Toby until I received a bad news in early May 2010 that Toby was confined at the Dr Victor Potenciano Hospital (formerly Polymedic). Chill and I hurriedly planned a visit for Toby. We individually went out of the office earlier than normal on May 5, 2010 to pay a visit for Toby.

We had mixed emotions when we saw Toby in the hospital bed. Toby was smiling and had a very positive disposition on his condition. At the same time he was very thankful that we took effort to visit him. Vince was also there through a phonecall and talked heart-to-heart with Toby. Mar and Noy had been there before. They were actually the ones who told us about the news.

Toby introduced Chill and I to his roommates, brother and girlfriend. He introduced us as the ones who were with him during his Pagsanjan and Caramoan trip. According to him, the Caramoan trip was his most memorable and most enjoyable trip and he was so proud to experience such adventures. He even boasted with his officemates our pictures during the trip.
After long chats, Chill led a prayer for him, all of us with tears, except Toby. We prayed for Toby's speedy recovery. After the prayer Toby asked us why everyone was crying. He told us that we should not cry because he will get well soon. Before we left, Toby asked for help from us--- any kind of support --- prayers, referrals, financial, emotional, etc. Before Chill and I left the hospital, Toby was full of hope. While on the bus on the way home, I sent SMS to my cousin who is a doctor and advised Toby on how to get benefits from PCSO.

After that, I occassionally sent Toby SMS to check his condition. I had few chats with him through yahoo. I heard good news from him that he was already released from the hospital, that he stays in Cavite, that he had already gone back to work, that he took alternative medications, etc. All the while, I thought everything was doing good. Not until end October 2010 when I heard from Chill that Toby was confined back to the hospital.

All Saint's Day came and I spent the whole day in the cemetery celebrating my Dad's life. I had a long day then that I decided to take a leave on November 2. My vacation leave was so worthwhile. I cooked that day, I cleaned the house, fixed some stuff and decided to go online on Facebook at 5pm. To my surprise, I saw a very shocking photo in the newsfeed. I saw a picture of Toby with captions "In Loving Memory of Tobias 'Toby/Jojo" Propalde, Jr. August 17, 1983 - November 2, 2010". I was so shocked and clicked into the photo to see the link. It was his sister-in-law who posted it and the photo mentioned that Toby rested in peace at 10:15am. I almost cried. With teary eyes, I sent SMS to my friends who also knew Toby. All were shocked as well as they just got the news from me. Everyone was sad as we have lost a true friend who, at a very young age, acquired this illness that is almost uncurable!

To our dear TOBY, we will truly miss you. I am thankful that I had a chance to know you. Our 3 years of friendship seems to be a lifetime already! You are a very good man and you are loved. You will forever stay in our hearts! Be happy for you feel no more pain. May you enjoy eternal life with our Creator!

To the loving family left by Toby, our deepest condolences and sympathy for you. We will help you pray for Toby and may you continue to be strong in emotion and strong in faith. God bless you always!

22:44 hrs

Monday, May 3, 2010

Boracay April 2010

We have been planning to go to Boracay Island since 2009. We were supposed to go in July but there had been limiting factors like weather, schedule and budget. Our family had an international trip to Macau and Hongkong in March 2009. We cannot find a good schedule for July. School year has started and the kids can't easily go off from school. Moreover, July is rainy season and the weather will not be favorable for the photo sessions, our passion!

February 2010 came as we tried scouting the domestic airlines. There were lots of promotions but we also found difficulty booking our flights. After so many trials, calculations and finding the best-fit schedule, we finally booked our trip to Boracay on April 28 to May 1 with ZestAir Airlines. ...

Read more @

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I Wanna See You Soon

Today, I volunteered a Unilever-initiated Summer Camp for Resources for the Blind Incorporated (RBI). Vision-impaired children 9 to 13 years of age stayed at the Rizal Recreation Center near San Pablo City, Laguna from April 12 to 14 for fun and learning activities.
I was also happy that I learned new things today. I learned and experienced how to be a sighted guide. I learned the techniques and tried to make the blind children comfortable with me. I learned how to guide them eat their food, how to walk with them, how to guide them towards a chair and towards a dining table.
My heart was so touched seeing the blind children learn to be independent. They are used to not seeing things around them. They made bracelets and handicrafts, they eat by themselves and they know how to move around. Of course, more often they need a sighted guide but it was so amazing to observe these children learn be sensitive to their surroundings. They seem so happy despite the fact that they were not blessed with the sense of sight. They move and mingle with people normally.
At first, I remember my kids as I saw the blind children. Kaira and Keziah wear eyeglasses. Keziah had her eye surgery when was three years old. I just can't imagine if the pediatric opthalmologist did something wrong in that procedure making my kid vision-impaired! Thank God it did not happen four years ago during her operation. Their eyesights are actually improving as the years go by and I feel to lucky that they are not impaired.
It's quite difficult to lose eyesight. I really admired these kids that they learn to enjoy life even if theirs are not complete. I hope normal people will learn to appreciate God's gift, despite the material things lacking in their lives. Let's learn to be contented and be happy of what we have, as what the blind children do despite the fact that they cannot see God's creation around them.

21:56 hrs