Monday, October 20, 2008


At first, I thought that I should go by myself, learn by myself, work by myself, and let not other people interfere and affect me. I thought I could bear it. I thought I could be stubborn enough. I thought I could play with it but they were
only what I thought!
You will never meet perfect people. However, some people knew themselves as very perfect ones that they tend to question your capabilities. The worst thing is, they do it behind you and these are the people whom I am scared much about... because you wouldn't know when they will betray you. They tend to use you and befriend you whenever they need you, but turn you down in return when you are of no use to them.
At first I thought, I will not be affected but judging your capabilities is a different story. But still, I must keep silent and go with the flow, for it won't do any good if I fight for my rights. I will just let them enjoy what they are doing and in due time, I will get my prize! For I am sure that those who are meek are blessed that those who pretend to be perfect!
22:28 hrs

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