Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I am stuck in traffic. I have been sitting on this bus seat since more than 2 hours ago. I left the office 3 hours ago... What could have caused this very heavy traffic jam?! Now, I again appreciate my mobile phone. I seldom use this for texting, neither for calls but I usually use this for free net surfing, and other time-wasting stuff like this.

Thank God the bus has moved fast this time but my oxygen requirement does not go along with it. My trachea is constricted. I have difficulty breathing! High air pressure is required to give my lungs enough air and to supply my blood with enough oxygen.

I have been feeling this since last week but it worsen today. I do not know what happened but it seems that something made my situation worse. I can't stand the difficulty in breathing and so I went to the doctor to have her evaluate my situation. Again, a dose of medicine should alleviate everything.

Trying to get a full rest from a physically, mentally and emotionally stressful day, I left the office early. Unexpecting this traffic jam, I thought I could rest early today. However, everything is not going in the right direction. Here goes the traffc again. My lungs are struggling. My heart tries to catch up and I hope it could carry on until I reach home...the only home where I can do everything to ease this suffering of mine...

19:55 hrs
somewhere between coastal tollgate and zapote

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